Class Descriptions
Our classes are designed by the Zuga Instructors specifically for YOU! The instructor tailors each class based on what your body needs that day. Each class will be structured around the participants that are in class. So feel free to speak up at the beginning of class to let us know what you want to work on. And if you have nothing specific that you need, no worries, you will still have a well-rounded yoga class and you will leave feeling wonderful!

Hatha Yoga
This class really is for all levels. You will be given modifications and progressions throughout the class so you can take it at your own pace. This class is perfect for anyone looking for a deeper understanding of alignment and breath basics, for standing and balancing poses, and floor sequences found in many yoga classes.

Advancing Asana
Warm up the body with carefully sequenced poses to prepare the body for more challenging intermediate postures throughout the one hour class, interspersed with high energy and core activating movements. Be prepared to gain strength and flexibility, balanced with loving and inspiring messages for your heart and soul. This is an intermediate class but modifications will be given for you to work at your own level and progress toward more challenging poses as your practice grows.

Slow Vinyasa
Slow Vinyasa is structured similarly to a typical Vinyasa class in that it includes sun salutations and flowing from one posture to the next, but the tempo is slower. Postures might be help longer and you will move more mindfully from one pose to the next.

Gentle Hatha Yoga
Practical yet insightful philosophy, precise alignment, and a strong focus on community, combine to make this class a full-spectrum invitation to expand your practice and deepen your understanding of yoga as a holistic lifestyle. Learn and refine key actions for a safe and effective yoga practice. Uniting innate intuition with the modern science of biomechanics empowers potent transformation and healing. This alignment-based class will focus on what your mind, body, and heart need in order to master your strength, refine your sensitivity, and increase your capacity to enjoy life.

Yoga Foundations
Let’s start with the basics. Explore yoga fundamentals in a safe and supportive environment. This class is ideal for newbies and experienced practitioners looking to refine their existing practice. This class is accessible to everyone but basics doesn’t always mean easy:) You can work up a good sweat in s strong basics class:)

Heated Slow Flow
Heated Slow Flow is open to all levels of practice and abilities. This class is especially great for beginners or those searching for a slower class. This soothing gentle practice, focuses on moving slowly into basic yoga poses, while using the breath as a tool to remain present and mindful. The slow pace of this class allows you to enjoy each pose. Moving through this gentle flow will allow students a chance to open their bodies and understand what is happening in their body, through movement. Expect to leave feeling great. This class is heated:)
Sculpt is a 30 minute whole body conditioning class that uses dumbbells & bodyweight exercises to get you that sculpted look. The class is usually divided into three sections, Upper body, Abs & Core, Butt & legs! Each class will burn, cut and chisel your way to a hardcore body! An all levels class and modifications available. The first time you SCULPT you will see and feel a difference.

Using a variety of techniques from body weight to free weights to develop strength in the muscles through resistance exercises. It is full body toning which will challenge seasoned participants as well as motivate beginners to reach their peak of performance.


When participants see a Zumba class in action, they can’t wait to give it a try. Zumba classes feature exotic rhythms set to high-energy Latin and international beats. Before participants know it, they’re getting fit and their energy levels are soaring! There’s no other fitness class like a Zumba Fitness-Party. It’s easy to do, effective and totally exhilarating, often building a deep-rooted community among returning students.

Dance Fitness
Burn up the dance floor and be ready to burn some calories! Dance Fitness blends Zumba and dance moves, making them simple and easy to follow! Anyone can do this! Drop the pounds and get rapid results while you dance, dance, dance! The class is similar to Zumba but with a more radio style of music.
Handstand Practice
New students are first introduced to the fundamentals of balancing such as wrist strengthening exercises, shoulder opening mobility work, chest-to-wall endurance hold, how to safely get in and out of handstands, body line drills and beginner balance drills.
More advanced students will work on optional entries & exits, shifting balance exercises, different shapes & handstand walking, block drills and handstand press drills.
Psychic Circle -
Meditation and psychic development group
Have you ever wanted to explore your intuitive abilities? We all have psychic abilities, come learn how to tap into them.
This is a mediumship & psychic practice group. If you are curious, believe you have some abilities, know you have some abilities or you’ve been practicing for years, this the group for you.
We start each class with a short meditation & then practice Psychic and Mediumship exercises. The class will be from 11:30-12:30 and there there will be open practice time after class for those that want to stay and work on whatever medium they choose. (Tarot, pendulum, readings, healings, medium work, etc.)
This group was created for you to have a safe and non-judgmental place to practice your intuitive abilities. A place to explore and practice with other like-minded people.
Beginners and all levels are welcome!
There is only love and support here. This group is a great place to help you develop your intuitive, psychic and mediumship gifts. It takes work. It takes time. It takes practice! Let’s practice 🙂
*Psychic Circle is not included in the Zuga Monthly Membership.
$15 for Drop -In
5 Class card for $60
10 Class card for $110
20 Class card for $200
All levels class
All AcroYoga classes are on hold right now due to the pandemic and it being a partner sport.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you played superman by “flying” on a grown-up’s feet? Remember how much fun that was? This is your chance to re-live that same feeling!
Besides learning tons of FUN AcroYoga poses, this class includes partner stretching, partner drills (to build strength and balance) and proper spotting techniques so that everyone remains SAFE while having FUN. You will also learn how to transition from one pose to another to create a flow. Each class will consist of a different flow
Along the way you will learn AcroYoga etiquette and terminology — now that stuff might sound boring, but it will give you the confidence to attend AcroJams or workshops without committing any embarrassing faux pas and you can nod knowingly when somebody asks you to “cannonball in”
This class is an ALL levels class, beginners and experienced both welcome. There will be something for everyone): No partner necessary.
And remember that while AcroYoga is accessible to most people, it is a workout that involves lifting your partner or being lifted. Sore muscles, bumps, and tumbles will happen along the way.
Are you ready to play?